Dear Grenfell Campus students,

Every undergraduate student who enrolls at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University, is a member of the Grenfell Campus Student Union (GCSU) and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). As part of a federation with more than a half million members from across the country, we can campaign effectively for student rights together.

It is the duty of the elected members of the GCSU to address concerns of undergraduate students. The student union has an open-door policy and is always looking for new ways to enhance the lives of its members. Collectively, the 11-member student union board advocates at university administration level, with government, and other external organizations. We are here to represent and work for you and your interests; please do not hesitate to approach any one of us with any issues or concerns you may have! We strive to build a united student community that is welcoming of social and cultural diversity as well as supportive of environmental sustainability.

Now that you know a little more about the workings of the GCSU, we encourage you to get involved! Whether it is through participating in campaigns to reduce tuition fees and improve student financial assistance, attending committee meetings, running for elected positions, participating in any of the GCSU caucus groups, clubs and societies, or by attending and helping to organize social events, we encourage you to take an active role in your student union!

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @GCSUnion. Please visit us anytime at AS276 in the GCSU Student Union Annex. You can also contact us by phone at 637-5367 or email,

We look forward to working with you in the coming year!

In solidarity,

Council of Grenfell Campus Student Union
Canadian Federation of Students Local 36